Family constellations
Is a transformation method where you look at your family history, sometimes many generations back.
Your parents and grandparents preceded you in life and you are following them. By seeing the order of life, everything falls more into place. What you suffer from now is connected to your past, because history repeats itself.
And acknowledging the past brings clarity about the present. A family constellation can give a lot of clarity about your patterns and where they come from. And that makes it possible to change patterns. To make your own choices that are different from those of your ancestors.
You can look at any question, problem or pattern that is bothering you right now. And by looking and feeling at your history, there comes understanding, clarity and knowledge of why you act the way you do. We will go on a journey together to discover what is still hidden inside you, waiting to be discovered!
What does it deliver:
- Knowledge and understanding of yourself
- Freedom to make your own choices
- Brightness
- Relaxation
- And strength to do what you want to do
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The Healing Journey
Not sure how you are doing for a while? Do you have mental or emotional or physical complaints?
Then The Healing Journey is for you. You make an appointment with Dechen or Bianca.